Register as a member and take advantage of our CollectionBuilder and free introductory market pricing service (Currently USA and Germany collections only).
Isn’t it time you found out what your collection is worth? If your collection has significant value, it is important to create a record for your estate. No one can highlight the valuable aspects of your collection better than you. When it goes up for sale, dealers will make a superficial review and rely on their experience to make an offer or auction bid. That offer will invariably be low and at an auction sale, be at risk of who is in the room that day.Our pricing service provides resale pricing values as well as a breakdown of how much of the collection is made up of “money stamps”, i.e. higher priced items that sell more quickly. You can also opt to display the collection on our website, either privately or publicly, where thousands of dealers can view it and submit offers when you or your heirs chose to sell. The very fact that your collection is already digitized adds to its value since it saves a dealer that effort. Don’t be vulnerable to having your valuable collection become a windfall buy.
Why search for a needle in a haystack when 80% of the haystack cannot even be accessed by you. Let the dealer do the work for you. Our Want List Service allows dealers to check their stocks against your needs and offer them on our site to meet your specific price demand. They can do this because we charge them no commission and they know each listing is likely to generate an immediate sale.”
We are not dealers in stamps. Our interest is in promoting stamps as an investment through providing the type of information investors are used to seeing with other investment products they buy.